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Stretching arms of pink
         Across the hills of Harvard,
                  Apple trees awake

We are a non-profit, hands-on garden club located in beautiful Harvard, Massachusetts . Our members have gardening skills ranging from beginner to master. In meetings and workshops, we exchange ideas and learn about new trends in landscape design, vegetable gardening, horticulture, conservation, and flower arranging. We share our knowledge and give back to the community through civic beautification and outreach programs.

Executive Officers

President:    Bill Loehfelm

Vice President:   Marijke Vallaeys

Recording Secretary:  Carlene Phillips

Treasurer:    Deborah O'Rourke

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"I planted the last dozen tulip bulbs in the morning.

In the afternoon I went to a meeting to start a garden club.

There were fifteen ladies present. I was elected president, quite a shock!

The object of the club was to promote interest in gardens,

their management and culture and to meet for the discussion of these subjects. We formed a Program committee and, a priority for me, a Conservation committee. There were 41 charter members and annual dues were $2. The club held flower shows at the Town Hall and plant sales to exchange 'treasures' and pay for club expenses. One of the first civic activities was landscaping around the Powder House off the Common."



Looking Back: 1927

from the diary of founder Mary Abbot, October 1927

"Mary Abbot in Her Garden" by her sister, noted artist Agnes Abbot.


Former President's Message:


The Garden Club of Harvard is a place for people who love plants and flowers—in gardens, in arrangements, and in nature. We love learning about and talking about plants and are happy when our hands are in the soil. Our members include women and men, experts and beginning gardeners, long-time town residents and newcomers (and some who live in other towns).  


 The COVID-19 Pandemic has limited a few of our activities in the past two years, but we are still going strong— planting in public spaces, providing flowers for the library and Bromfield graduation, organizing and arranging flowers for Bloom ‘N Art, meeting monthly for programs, going on nature walks, and sharing plants from our gardens at our fabulous plant sale in May. 

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Our Former President, Jessie Panek

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